== Neural Market Trends ==

AI Overloads look to beat Go champion

Go Game AI Machine Learning

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Google’s Deepmind is about to make AI history. Google developed AlphaGo, a deep learning program, to challenge Lee Sedol. Lee Sedol is the top world champion of Go (18 time world champion), a child prodigy that places with an amazing style. He’s credited with advancing the game of go because of his creative playing style and his games are always over analyzed.

AlphaGo is beating the pants off Lee Sedol. AlphaGo just won it’s 3rd game (out of 5) and it’s looking like it will sweep all 5 games.

I’m quite astounded and amazed. Just two years ago I told Ingo that I thought it wouldn’t happen for decades, but he had more faith in AI research and development than I did. In fact he reminded me of it! :)

Perhaps the best comment about this is what Greg Piatetsky of KD Nugget opined. Betting against AI is a losing bet, it’s just a matter of time before it can solve any problem.

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