How To Build Wealth

How To Build Wealth
Photo by Morgan Housel / Unsplash

The following list of books and videos is what I recommend you read and familiarize yourself with if you want to build your wealth. I either have these books in my personal library or have read them at one time. I provide some commentary as to why I think they're important and I hope you find them valuable too. The topics range from trading and investing to real estate and becoming an entrepreneur. I will add to this list as time permits.


The foundation of chart reading for me was reading Steve Nison's book Japanese "Candlestick Charting Techniques: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Investment Techniques of the Far East." That book is invaluable if you want to learn about price action and patterns in charts. I view all my charts using candlesticks and I can glean important market information from just a quick scan.

The second most important book for trading is Van Tharp's book, "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom." This book opened the door for me on how to evaluate trading systems and strategy. It taught me about not risking $1 to make $0.20, how to calculate expectancy, and how to control risk.


Everything changed for me when I read "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" by Burton Malkeil. It's where I learned that the long-term investors win, not the trader. The fast path to riches is through careful long-term investing that keeps fees low and a host of other things.

Of course, I would be remiss not to recommend "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns" by none other than John Bogle, creator of the index funds. The late Bogle transformed the markets with his low-cost mutual Vanguard funds and turned his idea into a financial juggernaut.

Real Estate

"The 16% Solution: How to Get High Interest Rates in a Low-Interest World with Tax Lien Certificate" by Joel Moskowitz is what opened the doors to me to the world of foreclosure property investing. While real estate is a whole 'nother bag of investing and headaches, this book clued me into the hidden opportunities of distressed properties.

While I'm not a Robert Kiyosaki fan, his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" set me and my partner on a wealth-building journey and helped me look at the value of my time. Understanding that your time is valuable and focusing on building a business instead of working for someone else had a big effect on me. This book is part entrepreneurial and part real estate investing and worth reading once.

"Pre-foreclosure Property Investors Kit: How to Make Money Buying Distressed Real Estate" is a great book if you're interested in buying properties that are entering foreclosure or in foreclosure. This used to be the main method of all the real estate investors I knew and they came up with creative financing to get the job done.

Making Money Online Posts

Another great resource is to follow my "Make Money Online" tag. I've been posting a lot of novel ideas on how to make money online. I post notes from other people's interviews that I found interesting and valuable as well as some thoughts on niche website building.

Strategy and Philosophy

Tying all these books together is the seminal book on strategy and warfare, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" by Ralph D. Sawyer. This book is part historical and all parts warfare but it served as the basis for my "money army" viewpoint. I view my wealth and money as soldiers and I will only engage my soldiers to win (i.e. profit). I will not send them off to war for frivolous victories but to capture more valuable assets. There are a ton of great lessons if you can equate them to the investing and wealth-building world.

Additionally, you should check out my Self Development tag, there are a ton of articles on how to frame your mind for seizing opportunity.

The Fine Print

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