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Welcome to ‘career catfishing’ — Gen Z’s new defiance against to endless rounds of interviews and hiring managers who ghost | Fortune

Zettelkasten Automated Post

Screenshot of Welcome to ‘career catfishing’ — Gen Z’s new defiance against to endless rounds of interviews and hiring managers who ghost | Fortune

This freaking awesome!

About a third (34%) of Gen Zers are opting to do what’s known as “career catfishing.” This means a successful candidate accepted a job and then never showed up, according to a survey of 1,000 U.K. employees conducted by CV Genius. The results found career catfishing is one of many strategies employees are using to gain more autonomy at work, including coffee badging and quiet vacationing. However, Gen Z applicants aren’t alone in going no- and low-contact during the recruiting process. Some 74% of employers now admit that ghosting is a facet of the hiring landscape, according to a 2023 Indeed survey of thousands of job seekers and employers.

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