AI Machine Learning Data Science SEO Trends Medium SubstackWelcome to Neural Market Trends, an award-winning data science and machine learning blog created by Thomas Ott in 2007. In the past my blog focused on RapidMiner Tutorials and their application to the Financial Markets. As sidebars I wrote commentary on Trading, Forex the Markets, Investing, and the market implosion in 2007 / 2008.
My blog has undergone many changes over the years and it continues to do so. I wrote a lot of RapidMiner and other Data Science and Machine Learning tutorials, I made videos, and then started focusing on SEO and Startup life. Those were and will always be good times.
I joined RapidMiner in 2014 and built my data science career there. I met so many amazing people and I still count many as a my good friends. It was a dream. I left in 2017 to start my own Data Science consultancy and an educational company called - what else - Neural Market Trends!
I closed down his consultancy in September 2018 when he joined the ranks of H2O.ai as a Senior Customer Sales Engineer.
In November of 2024, H2O laid me off and now I’m a free agent again.
Who am I today
Today, I’m a full-time option premium seller and writer. I make my living of those two things as I navigate my next gig.
What do I plan to do with this blog
I love writing and I love the intersection of technology, AI, SEO, and all kinds of techno-nerdy stuff. I’ve been writing up a storm on Medium these days and have caught a ride on the dragon’s tail. I use Medium as a testing ground to understand the current zeitgeist.
Where to find me
I’m on LinkedIn. I have my own GitHub where I share H2O & RapidMiner tutorials and other bits of code. You can view my old YouTube videos, if you like.
I’m on Medium and Substack now, writing about different topics and experimenting.
Affiliate Links
Just a note but some of the links in the articles on this site are affiliate links. Neural Market Trends earns a small commission when you purchase a product or service using one of the affiliate links. There is NO added cost or charge to you if you buy through an affiliate link. This keeps the lights on at Neural Market Trends and keeps ALL content free of charge to you!
Financial Information
Neural Market Trends’s goal is the build a passive income portfolio of websites and assets that will generate $100,000 income per year. The articles and information presented therein is not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial asset.
All information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell nor the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. “Neural Market Trends”, Sixth World Investments LLC, or anyone affiliated with the production of this site’s information is not responsible for any activities conducted by viewers. This material is informational only and does not recommend investment activities for corresponding viewers. Thank you!